Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Little About Me...

I am honored to be the mother of three amazingly beautiful children and the wife of an incredible man. I am on a journey to be the very best mother and wife that I can be for my family. It is my passion to foster a love for learning in my children. I want learning to ALWAYS be an experience for them. I pray that God uses and equips me to help create those experiences for them. I want them to touch learning, feel learning, smell learning...I want them to experience learning, to become passionate about it and to fall in love with it. I want them to be hungry for knowledge, to crave it.  I pray through these learning experiences they are driven to become lifelong learners. I pray that their desire to learn never ceases. We are in pursuit. 

You will probably hear me say many times that I am such a work in progress. I consider myself perfectly imperfect and flawed in every way. Without my Jesus I'd be nothing short of a huge mess! I do NOT have it all together although it may seem so on the outside. I try hard to keep things but crumble quickly realizing I need to give that job up to my Jesus. He can handle me and my worries, anxieties, fears, mess, much better than I can. 

I wanted to start a blog for a few reasons. 

  • Although I have three precious little ones I am fairly new to being a SAHM (stay at home mom). I am SO blessed to have this opportunity and give God all the honor and glory for making it possible! He has provided my husband with a wonderful job and an incredible drive to provide for his family. My husband amazes me. He wants nothing more than the best for us and will stop at nothing less to provide it. He is such a hard worker. God has blessed him with great talent and he is exactly where he should be, using his God given gift everyday! The scripture 1 Peter 4:10-11 reminds me of him…”Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen” (NIV) 
  • I don't want to loose a millisecond of the memories God has given me with my babies! I know this blog will be a place where I can, not only share our experiences with others but help me document this monumental time in our lives . 
  • I want to be real. I want God to use me. I want this blog to be a place where his presence flows. A place where, although my fingers do the typing, HE does the speaking. It is my prayer that through my sharing God can speak, touch, heal, restore, revive, refresh, and encourage other moms. 
I have to be quite honest, I have no idea where God will take this or exactly how He plans to use me but what I do know is that's all I want, to be Him. Whatever talent he gives me, whatever job he assigns me, I want to do it with every fiber of my being and for His glory. So here we go! I'm on a journey. I'm so ready to be taught and to learn. I am in pursuit.

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