Wednesday, September 4, 2013

YIKES! My Very First Post!!

Its a bit nerve racking not knowing where to start when you decide to begin so I finally just decided to start here…with a day in our life. Here’s what we learned today in pursuit of becoming life long learners.

Let’s start with me…
I learned that a little mocha ice cream, wellllll…ok it wasn’t a little, it was actually a large... can have quite an effect on a nursing momma who barely has any caffeine! I thoroughly enjoyed my large mocha ice cream around 7:30pm and I’m still on my “high” at 11pm. I have to say I’m really enjoying it though :)

I learned or rather was reminded today as I am everyday, that I make mistakes. I’m learning that the more I pray and talk to my Jesus throughout my day the better my day gets. And really, what better way to be an example to my precious little ones than to show them what to do when we make mistakes…PRAY, pray through those hard times and show them that we are all human. Show them that we all make mistakes and that we can’t do this without Jesus’s help. Show them how to ask for forgiveness and then try not to make the same mistakes again. I want to be an example to them. I want them to see Jesus in me. I want to be better today than I was yesterday and better tomorrow than I was today. Jesus is helping me with that.

The scripture that stood out to me in my study today was…
Philippians 2:13 For God is working in ME, giving ME the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.

This scripture spoke volumes to me! I am reminded that I am a work in progress.. I know God has great plans for my life and although I may plan for our day’s activities I pray that HE orders my steps and that HIS PURPOSE prevails! (Proverbs 16:9 and Proverbs 19:21)

What my kiddos learned today…
We worked on our letter K activities that we should have finished last week. Here it is FRIDAY of the following week and we are still trying to finish it up!! That is what having a 3 year old, 2 year old and 4 month old will do to plans...oh geese! But I’m learning that’s OK and would love to share more about that soon. Anyway, I’d say that we were pretty successful today most importantly because we were having FUN learning!

The kids traced letter K’s with their choice of paint and q-tips. We cut, glued and made a mess! In my opinion making a mess is always considered success when you have little ones! We also played in a rice sensory bin while looking for items that begin with the letter Kk.

While I worked with lil man on the vocabulary “big” and “little” big sister cut up number cards 1-20. We took those number cards to our glass coffee table and placed them on the tiles beneath the glass. This intrigued them as they could look through the glass to find and pick the number that came next. We placed the numbers in the correct sequence on the top of the glass surface. It was a pretty neat activity and I’m most positive I’ll use this strategy again for other activities! They enjoyed it and so did I! I told them it felt like we were shopping for numbers!
The printable you see here is from Carisa’s amazing website  1plus1plus1equals1. I encourage you to take a look at all of her amazing FREE material. She has really blessed my life.

Lastly I hope the kiddos learned a bit more about how immensely I love them.

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